Thursday, 29 November 2012

Last week of Classes in University

When in high school I use to think that the last week of classes before exams was the easiest week ever, didn't have any work to do, all the teachers gave us time to study, and half the time you didn't even have to show up for that class. So this being the only thing I’ve known when it came to last week classes I figured it would be around the same for university. Boy was I wrong.

The last week of classes before my finals started was in fact the most stressful week ever, I had so many assignments due, along with trying to find time to study for finals, and have some sort of a social life on top of that, and not to mention finding time to sleep. With all that going on truthfully going to class was the last thing on my mind. 2 out of 3 nights of that week I pulled all nighters just trying to get my assignments finished in time so I wouldn’t lose points, and would get the best possible mark I could on it. I spent my days studying and felt like I was a hermit crab stuck in my room not seeing any of my friends. I somehow found time to get to all my classes, and still catch up on sleep. How I did this I am not sure.

Advice that I would give students coming into university thinking this last week is going to be the same as high school would be, be prepared. When people say it is a lot more work, the really are not kidding. Try to get as much of your work done BEFORE the last week of classes, this will make this week a lot less stressful when you are trying to get your studying done. My final advice would be to do your best not to pull all nighters, this will also make the week less stressful as you will not be lacking sleep, or trying to study with no sleep in your system.


Well as November comes to an end, so does another year of "Movember" and I have to say, as much as I may not think all guys look good after not shaving for a month, I admire them all for stepping up and doing their part to help raise awareness for this cause.

 In case anyone doesn’t know what "Movember" is I will explain. Movember takes place during the month of November every year and guys all over the place pledge to not shave for the entire month to help raise awareness for prostate cancer. They can choose to do a beard, mustache, or the entire face. Also some people, mostly schools and business, will raise money for their "stash" and the money raised will go towards helping find a cure for prostate cancer.

Most girls dread this month, knowing their boyfriends, or any guy in their lives, are not going to be shaving for 30 days, therefore not looking the best. I however encourage my boyfriend to take part and help raise the awareness. In my mind taking part in this event shows just how unselfish they really are. They are taking a month out of their lives, dealing with the stubble and the itchiness. Good work guys!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

US election outcome

Obama winning the US election caused some good and some bad comments from Canadians, not everyone was happy with the outcome. Truthfully I wanted Obama to win, but at the same time was not too worried about who won as I am Canadian not American. I didn’t really get why Canadians where so upset, it does not really affect us as Canadians. At the same time, I don't see the big "bad news" that Obama won. From what I understand, he did a fine job as president last time, so why would he not do a good job this time? During his debates and speeches, he was always using terms that showed that he cares about America, and that should be the biggest thing, that they have a president that cares about their country, because then you know they will do their best to do what is best for the country and the people in it. That should be what Americans should be worried about; who is going to do what is best for their country? From what I understand that is Obama. Now i know I could be 100% wrong about this, as I am Canadian and honstely do not know much about politics, or the people involed in them, but from what I have heard and seen in the news about Obama he seems to be the right guy for the job.

NHL Lockout

As all hockey fans know, the NHL lockout has been going on for the past few months, and has made quite a few fans upset to say the least. As hockey fan, I know that each year you look forward to the NHL season to start so you can watch your favorite team battle it out to win the Stanley cup. The fact that this year this hasn’t been an NHL has upset me, NHL was one of the few ways I had left to watch hockey as I had moved away from my hometown, and could no longer go to the hometown games. Personally I think that everyone involved should just take what they can get, and get back on the ice. Now I know there is more to hockey then just hitting a puck around the ice, but really the players are getting paid more than enough to go out, hit a puck around and skate around. Not to mention the coaches and all of the other head guys for each team are not lacking in money. So they should just end the Lockout and get back to playing the game they are paid to play, before they lose even more fans.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

London, Paris, Rome, Capri...all in 12 days?!

I’ve had the chance to visit quite a few places over the past 4-5 years. Boston, Maine and Punta Cana are only a few one the list, but I would have to say that my favorite trip up to date would have to be the one that I took in March of 2012 over March break.

3 days before March Break was supposed to start, myself, 25 other students, 3 teachers, and 3-4 parents boarded on a plane to Europe for a 12 day trip, you can imagine the excitement that was in the air. This was a once in a life time, jammed packed 12 day trip of Europe's finest, including London, Rome, Italy, Paris, Pompeii, Capri, and a few surprises along the way.

Now i paid for this trip 100% myself, all $4500 of it, and I have to say it was worth every penny, and every hour i spent working my butt off at work to earn that money. This trip was an amazing experience and something that I always wanted to do, but never thought i would get the chance to. Almost a year later I still recall all the fun i had, look through my pictures, and still talk to the people that i met going on that trip. Not only did I get to learn about cities and the history behind it well standing at all the buildings you see in books and movies, but I made some great friendships.

My advice to everyone would be that if you get the chance to go on a trip like this, take it. You really won’t regret it, you will have the time of your life and will be surprised about how much you really learn. Also get a tour guide. We had one, and I really don't know how we would have made it to all the places, or found out as much as we did about all the cities without him.

Myself in front of the Leaning Tower

Throwing my coin in and making a wish


On top of the Effile Tower

In front of the Effile Tower, My favorte part <3

Capri... So beautiful

Friday, 19 October 2012


Amanda Todd and her story about bullying have been making its way onto the news and all over social media sites over the past week. For the people who maybe have not seen the YouTube video or heard about Amanda here’s a little run down.

Amanda Todd was teenage girls who like others, made a mistake. This mistake turned out to haunt her for the rest of her life. When she was 12 she was on webcam with some friends and they asked her to "flash them" so she did. A year later one of the guys who was on webcam that night sent her a Facebook message saying, "If you don’t put on a show for me I will send your picture to everyone." Long story short the picture got sent to everyone. Amanda got bullied so bad that she switched schools a few times. When everything looked like it was getting better, Amanda got beat up and left in a ditch. That night she went home and drank bleach. She ended up making it to the ER in time and having her stomach pumped. About a month ago, Amanda posted a video on YouTube telling everyone her story, and then on October 10th Amanda hung herself.

Now this is something that sadly happens to teenagers a lot, and in most cases the outcome ends up the same. I personally think that more things should be done to prevent bullying. Cyber bullying (one of the ways Amanda was bullied) happens a lot more now, and there should be a way to stop it. Bullying has sadly gotten way out of hand, and personally I don't think it is going to stop anytime soon until the ones who are doing the bullying have higher punishment than just a slap on the wrist!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

In memory of Amber Kirwan?

This time last year my hometown had everything it knew turned upside down. The "safe town" that everyone thought New Glasgow was, was no more. This time last year New Glasgow was on a frantic search to try and find a missing 19 year old girl named Amber Kirwan who went missing when leaving the local Doolys. A little over a month later her body was found, and then within the next month they had the killer in custody.

I bring this up because on the one year anniversy of Amber going missing, New Glasgow released a tribute to her. A stone with her picture on it, with flowers, benches and a fence shaped like a heart, all in memory of Amber.

I understand that this was a big event for New Glasgow, but what makes Amber so much more important than the rest of the young girls who went missing over the years and never made it home? Why does her family get this tribute and not the rest of the families? I am not trying to say that this is a bad thing, or that i don't admire New Glasgow for coming together and making this happen, I am just saying that I don't see what makes her different from the rest of the girls, and that if they are going to make something in memory of Amber, then maybe they should think of all the other young people who went missing, and never made it back to their family.

I do believe that this was a very tragic event for our town, and most importantly Amber's family and friends, and I do admire the town for wanting to do something in her memory, I just think that it isn't fair for all the other families as well.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Today's music VS. Old music

You have all heard people say that "Today’s music" is better, or that "Old music" has no comparison to Morden music. If you look at it, yes there are some differences, but you can still find some of "today’s music" that is a lot like the "old music."

Most people that say "old music" is good are in their 40s or above, mostly because they grew up with it. Also they hear one song, like rap, can't understand the lyrics, so they assume that all of "Today’s music" is like that. "Their music" would be Folk Music, Classical Music and Raag. Artists like Elvis Presley (King of western classical music), and Nusrat Fateh Ali khan (King of Eastern Classical Music). They all got smash hits in that era, but now most teens have no idea who they are.

Now "today’s music" is loved by teens and people in their 20s-30s. Now we have artists hitting the charts in Hip hop, rock and rap. Justin Bieber, Enrique iglesias and Eminem are the world renowned personalities. They have got awards almost every year from all over the world. Their songs are not only for America, east or Europe but their songs are listened to all over the world.

"Old music" and "today’s music" both have their own respect in their own era and in some cases the other era as well (such as Michael Jackson.) One thing that people have to remember is that today’s music is just the modified form of Old music. Without the "Old music" we would not have music today.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

University life

University is a big change for a lot of students, going from a high school where you have probably been in school with those students for most of your schooling, to a big school where you may not know anybody. Not only that, but you are living on your own, away from your parents. The biggest change will be the work load. Here are some tips about starting university that looking back, I wish someone had of told me.

First off, go to frosh week. It is a great way to meet new people and make some great friends. My closest friends at the university are people that I met during frosh week, and it is a lot of fun. Most school plan a great week for you with lots of activities, trust me, they may sound crazy, or like something you may not enjoy, but they turn out to be a lot of fun!

Another big thing, make sure you get sleep! i can count on one hand the amount of hours of sleep i got during my first week, it doesn’t work out well. When you start class you need to pay attention, and to pay attention you need sleep.

Go find your classes before the day you start. Even the smallest universities can be hard to find your way around, and you don't need the stress of trying to find your classes on top of everything else you have going on.

A big thing that takes getting use to: stay on top of your work. I know the first week it’s going to seem like you don't have that much, so you have lots of time to do it, but the next time you have that class, you’re going to get more work, and the Prof is not going to care if you didn’t do the reading or not. He or she is moving on in the class, wither you are ready or not. Staying on top of your work will help you once midterms come along to. If you have been doing you reading and studying every night, then you will not be one of the students the week of the midterm cramming. That will make going into your midterm a lot less stressful.
The biggest thing is just to remember to have fun! After all, this is going to be your home for the next 4+ years, might as well make the best of it and have the time of your life!